Integrated Care Initiative

Better Care. Better Life. Improving health through coordinated care.
The Integrated Care Initiative is Rhode Island's Financial Alignment Demonstration program. It's designed to improve the care and quality of life for Rhode Islanders eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare. The goal is to better coordinate individuals' healthcare and support services; to keep people as healthy as possible; and to help them continue to live safely and independently at home. There are two phases of the Integrated Care Initiative.
Phase 1 began in November 2013 through a contract with Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island offering the Rhody Health Options (RHO) UNITY program. The RHO/UNITY program managed Medicaid-covered benefits for adults receiving long-term services and supports through Medicaid and adults receiving both Medicare and Medicaid coverage. The RHO/UNITY program ended on September 30, 2018.
Phase 2 began in July 2016 through a three-way contract with Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the State of Rhode Island. Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island administers Rhode Island's Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP). For more information on Phase 2 of Rhode Island's Integrated Care Initiative, see the Medicare-Medicaid Plan (MMP)
Rhode Island's Integrated Care Initiative is a joint effort between the state of Rhode Island, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island. Rhode Island is one of thirteen states participating in Financial Alignment Demonstration.
The CMS Final Rule published on May 9th, 2022, includes revisions to CMS’ Medicare Advantage program, including regulations related to dual eligible special needs plans (D-SNPs). In addition, the Final Rule addresses the termination of the Financial Alignment Initiative Demonstration and provides a pathway for the transition of MMP’s to become integrated D-SNPs. Under a provision within the Final Rule, States can maintain their existing MMP through a 2-year extension until December 31st , 2025, if the State has provided CMS with a transition plan (“MMP Transition Plan”) by October 1st, 2022.