Reinventing Medicaid
In February 2015, Governor Gina Raimondo signed an executive order establishing the Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid. The Governor directed the group to identify progressive, sustainable savings initiatives in order to transform Rhode Island’s Medicaid program to pay for better outcomes, better coordination and higher-quality care, instead of more volume. The initiatives focus on:
- Better coordination of mental and physical healthcare;
- Better coordination of care through our managed care organizations and new provider partnerships;
- A continued emphasis to shift service delivery away from institutional care and toward community-based services; and
- Better enforcement of Medicaid rules to protect against waste and fraud.
With strong partnership from the General Assembly and community leaders, we passed the Reinventing Medicaid Act of 2015, positioning Rhode Island to expand and improve access to quality care and reduce costs. The state is projected to achieve over $100 million of annual Medicaid savings without cutting eligibility or reducing benefits.
Reinventing Medicaid is an essential component of sparking innovation across Rhode Island's healthcare system.

- Reinventing Medicaid reforms save $100M+, 2/26/16
- Reforms cut per enrollee cost by 4.4 percent in FY17, 2/26/16
- Reinventing Medicaid - expanding access, improving care, controlling costs, 2/26/16
- Final Report of the Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid, 7/8/2015
- Initial Report of the Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid, 5/1/2015
- Governor Raimondo’s Executive Order 15-08 Reinventing Medicaid, 2/26/15
Reinventing Medicaid Initiatives
Press Releases
3/23/16: Raimondo, Health and Business Leaders Support Reinventing Medicaid Proposal
2/26/16: Raimondo’s Work Continues to Expand Access, Lower Costs through Reinventing Medicaid Effort
2/26/15: Raimondo Appoints Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid
4/3/16: Gina M. Raimondo: Expanding access to health care (Providence Journal)
3/23/16: Robert A. DiMuccio: Believing in RI’s direction (Providence Journal)
3/22/16: Editorial: Two steps forward (Providence Journal)
2/26/16: Raimondo: Reinventing Medicaid initiatives controlling costs, improving care (Providence Journal)
2/26/16: Rhode Island proves we can save on health costs without harming low-income people (ThinkProgress)
5/6/15: Editorial: Leadership on Medicaid (Providence Journal)
4/30/15: No easy task: “Reinventing” Medicaid to improve health, contain costs (Rhode Island Public Radio)
4/30/15: A deeper dive: 37 initiatives to change Medicaid (Rhode Island Public Radio)
4/29/15: Elizabeth Roberts: RI must reinvent Medicaid (Providence Journal)