RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info.
Medicaid Annual Plan Change Opportunity All documents are in pdf format EOHHS will not have a formal Medicaid Annual Plan Change Opportunity (MAPCO) period in 2024. As was the case during the Return to Normal Operation period members may switch their plans no more than one (1) time every six (6) months from when they first make a plan change request. Members can make a plan change through two options: 1) Calling HSRI and requesting a plan change; or, 2) Making the change through the just cause form and selecting "Change My Health Plan.” To request a plan change, please use the Health Plan Change Request Form - English, Spanish, Portuguese The three health plan choices are: Neighborhood Health Plan of RI Tufts Health Plan RITogether UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Members will receive a letter in early September, early October letting them know they have an opportunity to change plans. If they do not want to change plans, they do nothing. If they would like to switch, they should contact the new plan to see if their health care providers are in the health plan's network. They should also check the drug formulary to be sure that any medications they (or their family members) take are covered by the new plan. To change plans, members can complete a Plan Change Request form that comes with their letter or call HealthSource RI at 1-855-840-4774. Information for Community Partners Medical Annual Plan Change Opportunity Flyer - 2022 FAQ for Community Stakeholders - 2022 Timeline for Consumer Mailings (with zip codes) - 2022 Information for Members Member FAQ - 2022 Annual Plan Change Opportunity - 2022 If you would like to email your completed Medicaid Annual Plan Change Opportunity letter, please email to: ohhs.memberenrollment@ohhs.ri.gov