I/DD Provider Support Program
The I/DD Provider Support Program seeks to provide additional financial assistance for adult residential and community I/DD service providers in Rhode Island. These grant funds are an additional measure to be used as secondary to other federal coronavirus relief funding received by I/DD residential and community providers, and other funding resources made available by the State over the duration of the COVID-19 response.
As a result of COVID-19, the costs of delivering services and preserving system capacity have increased while revenues have declined throughout the I/DD service array. The I/DD Provider Support Program will distribute a total of up to $10 million in funding, via a grant process, to adult I/DD providers in Rhode Island who are licensed by BHDDH. These grants will allow providers to remain viable through the public health emergency, mitigating the impact of the current pandemic.
Grant funding through the I/DD Provider Support Program will be made available to all BHDDH licensed residential and community providers in the I/DD system that demonstrate revenue loss. These programs must be in operation as of December 1, 2020. Specifically, these programs are required to be licensed by BHDDH as DDOs (“DDO Programs”).
Program Timeline:
- Applications are due Tuesday, January 5, 2021 by 4pm EST.
- The state projects to make disbursements to approved provider agencies by January 15, 2021.
Program Documents:
Please email OHHS.IDDAccessProgram@ohhs.ri.gov if you have additional questions that are not addressed in the program documents.