RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info.
Applications Update There is an important update regarding application reviews. For more information, visit https://dhs.ri.gov/programs-and-services.
Applying for Benefits The customer portal (healthyrhode.ri.gov and the HealthyRhode mobile app) is not available because of the data breach. You can apply for all benefits by phone by calling 1-855-697-4347, in person at a DHS office, or by mail. Visit https://dhs.ri.gov/apply-now for more information. Please click here to find application assistance.
Fair Hearing - How to Request Without Web (Mail, Call, Visit) While the customer portal (healthyrhode.ri.gov and the HealthyRhode mobile app) is not available, fair hearings can only be requested by phone, in person, or by mail. To file an appeal regarding Medicaid and Purchased Health Coverage through HealthSource RI, call HealthSource RI at 1-855-840-HSRI (4774). For questions about filing an appeal for human services programs such as SNAP, RIW, Child Care, GPA, or SSP call the Department of Human Services at 1-855-MY-RI-DHS (1-855-697-4347).To request a fair hearing in person, please visit your nearest DHS office. To request a fair hearing by mail, please mail your completed Appeal Form to PO Box 8709, Cranston, RI 02920.For more information about the fair hearing process, please visit the Appeals Office page.
Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health Taskforce Overview In 2022, the General Assembly directed the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) to form a Taskforce to develop a plan to improve the promotion of social and emotional well-being of young children as well as screening, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health challenges for children from birth through age five with Medicaid coverage. EOHHS was pleased to have been asked to carry out this work, which we began with the help of an interagency team that had been working together since 2020 to write and implement the Rhode Island Behavioral Health System of Care for Children and Youth. We determined that this Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Taskforce would be a public/private entity connected with the System of Care Steering Committee we were creating, and the Plan would be a component of the broader System of a Care plan that was completed in 2022. The General Assembly gave EOHHS specific direction to develop an Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health plan that: Promotes developmentally appropriate screening, assessment, diagnosis, and evidence-based and evidence-informed parent-child dyadic therapies for children from birth 7 through age five (5). Identifies mental health promotion and prevention-related parenting support programs, particularly evidence-based or evidence-informed parent-child programs supporting social and emotional well-being. Allows effective screening, evaluation, and treatment over multiple visits with a qualified practitioner in various settings, including children’s homes, childcare and early learning programs, schools, and clinical and other professional settings. Establishes a registry of trained infant/early childhood mental health professionals that can be a resource across health care, education, and human service settings. Strengthens infant and early childhood mental health skills, knowledge, and practices of all providers who work with young children (birth through age five (5)) in health care, mental health care, early childhood, and child welfare service sectors. Addresses and responds to the intergenerational effects of racism, economic insecurity, and toxic stress that influence the health and mental health of parents/caregivers, babies, and young children. The Taskforce met monthly from November 2022 through May 2023, prioritizing community partner input on the topic areas listed below. The Taskforce also hosted six focus groups with parents/caregivers of young children. Then, EOHHS finalized the plan during the last two Taskforce meetings by refining the focus areas and strategies based on the focus group input and Taskforce feedback, along with hours of discussion to ensure clarity, consistency, and viability across the plan. Meeting 1: Introduction and Current State of IECMH in RI Meeting 2: Promotion Meeting 3: Prevention Meeting 4: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Meeting 5: Workforce Development Meeting 6: Draft Recommendations – Round 1 Meeting 7: Draft Recommendations – Round 2 For more information, please contact Ellie Rosen at Ellie.Rosen.CTR@ohhs.ri.gov Rhode Island Infant Early Childhood Mental Health Taskforce Recommendations Rhode Island Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Plan-2023 IECMH Taskforce Meeting Materials RI IECMH Planning – Current Landscape RI IECMH Planning - 11.17.22 - Intro Session RI IECMH Planning - 12.16.22 - Promotion - Community Input RI IECMH Planning - 1.18.23 - Prevention - Community Input RI IECMH Planning – 2.15.23 – Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment RI IECMH Planning - 3.15.23 - Workforce Development RI IECMH Planning - 4.25.23 - Round 1 Draft Recommendations RI IECMH Planning - 5.22.23 - Round 2 Draft Recommendations