Healthcare Innovation Initiative
While the Affordable Care Act has helped cut Rhode Island’s uninsured rate in half, rising healthcare costs remain a concern for Rhode Island families, businesses, taxpayers and healthcare providers. Rhode Island is building on the strong foundation established by the Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid to spark innovation across our healthcare system to improve patient care and health outcomes, and lower costs for all Rhode Islanders.
Governor Gina M. Raimondo’s Working Group for Healthcare innovation, chaired by Health and Human Services Secretary Elizabeth Roberts, has developed recommendations to improve the state’s healthcare system, support better health outcomes, lower costs and provide businesses with more predictability.
Press Releases
12/1/15: Raimondo’s Healthcare Innovation Group Recommends Creation of Dedicated Health Policy Office
8/19/2015: Raimondo's Healthcare Innovation Group Targets Crisis of Health Spending
- Healthcare Innovation Report | Report Presentation
- Governor Raimondo’s Executive Order 15-13 – Establishing the Working Group for Healthcare Innovation
- Milbank Report on state models to address health care costs (details approaches by Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Vermont)
- The Health Care Planning and Accountability Advisory Council primary care study
- State Innovation Model Initiative
- The Working Group to Reinvent Medicaid final report
Meeting Materials
October 13, 2015 Community Listening Session
October 13, 2015 Spending Cap Subgroup Meeting
October 7, 2015 Working Group Meeting
August 19, 2015 Working Group Meeting: Is a healthcare spending cap right for Rhode Island?
- Secretary Roberts, Working Group for Healthcare Innovation Introduction
- David Cutler, Policies to Slow the Growth of Medical Costs
Editorial: Health policy office worthy investment (Providence Business News, December 5, 2015)
Healthcare Innovation group recommends creating new Office of Health Policy (Providence Journal, December 1, 2015)
Raimondo group examining possible statewide medical spending cap (Providence Journal, August 19, 2015)
R.I. Governor Raimondo pursues health care spending cap (Providence Journal, July 20, 2015)