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Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics Infrastructure Grant Program Introduction - Grant Objectives: The Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) is issuing grant funding in the amount of up to approximately $25,500,000 from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to develop capacity among non-for-profit health and human service providers related to the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) model. The objective of this grant funding is to expand access for Rhode Islanders to integrated behavioral health services and supports in alignment with the CCBHC model, which in turn has been proven to improve community health outcomes, reduce health disparities, and support providers to deliver higher quality, more sustainable services. What is the CCBHC model? The CCBHC model is a national set of standards for comprehensive behavioral health care that is jointly supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). EOHHS has been directed by the General Assembly to submit a State Plan amendment to CMS to implement the federal model of CCBHCs. Interagency Collaboration for Quality Behavioral Healthcare: Working with Medicaid, the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities, & Hospitals (BHDDH), and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), EOHHS has created this infrastructure grant program to help support our vision of an accessible, equitable, and sustainable behavioral health system for all. The goal of this grant funding is to expand the network of community providers who have the capacity to become a CCBHC and/or partner with a CCBHC as a Designated Collaborating Organization (DCO) to support these goals. Request for Proposals, Solicitation Appendices/Addenda, and Submission Details RFP: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Infrastructure Grant Program RFP Appendix A – ISBE RFP Appendix B – Disclosure and Certification Form Addendum 1 – Answers to Questions Concerning this Solicitation Addendum 2 – Clarification – RIVIP Cover Form Not Required Addendum 3 – Clarification – Link Included to Required ISBE Form Addendum 4 – Mandatory Disclosure and Certification Form Addendum 5 – Updated Insurance Requirements Addendum 6 – Submission Scoring Update There is virtual pre-bid conference on August 11, 2022 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm by Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83680212928 (The pre-bid conference is not mandatory - you do not need to participate to submit a Letter of Intent or grant application.) Click here to view the CCBHC Infrastructure Grant Pre-Bid Presentation, which was reviewed at the pre-bid conference. Questions concerning this solicitation must be received by the RI Executive Office of Health and Human Services by emailing OHHS.CCBHCReadiness@ohhs.ri.gov no later than Monday, August 15, 2022, 5:00 pm eastern time. Please note: No other individual communications with State parties regarding this RFP are permitted. Submission Deadline: Please submit the application via email to OHHS.CCBHCReadiness@ohhs.ri.gov by September 7, 2022 at 5:00 pm. You will receive a reply email acknowledging your submission. Late submissions will not be accepted. Attachments CCBHC Readiness Assessment Tool DCO Readiness Assessment Tool CCBHC CLAS Checklist Grant Awardees EOHHS is pleased to announce the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) and Designated Collaborating Organization (DCO) Infrastructure Grantees. These eight potential CCBHC organizations (with 10 potential CCBHC sites) and 14 potential DCO organizations (with 20 potential sites) have received Phase One grant funding for EOHHS' Infrastructure Grant program. Congratulations and thank you for all of your hard work in improving Rhode Island's behavioral health system! CCBHC Infrastructure Grant Awardee Organizations: Amos House Community Care Alliance East Bay Community Action Program Family Service of Rhode Island Gateway Healthcare Newport Mental Health The Providence Center Thrive Behavioral Health DCO Infrastructure Grant Awardee Organizations: Adoption Rhode Island Carelink Center for Southeast Asians Child and Family Children’s Friend CODAC Progreso Latino Project Weber/RENEW Providence Community Health Centers Tides Family Services Trinity Healthy Living VICTA Women’s Resource Center of Newport and Bristol County Wood River Health Services