RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info. If you try to navigate to the HealthyRhode website and are instead sent to the CyberAlert website, please delete your browsing history, also known as clearing your cache, and try again.Si intenta navegar al sitio web de HealthyRhode y, en cambio, se le envía al sitio web de CyberAlert, elimine su historial de navegación, también conocido como borrar su caché, y vuelva a intentarlo.
Applications Update There is an important update regarding application reviews. For more information, visit https://dhs.ri.gov/programs-and-services.
Applying for Benefits The customer portal (healthyrhode.ri.gov and the HealthyRhode mobile app) is not available to new customers at this time. You can apply for all benefits by phone by calling 1-855-697-4347, in person at a DHS office, or by mail. Visit https://dhs.ri.gov/apply-now for more information. Please click here to find application assistance.
Fair Hearing - How to Request Without Web (Mail, Call, Visit) While the customer portal (healthyrhode.ri.gov and the HealthyRhode mobile app) is not available, fair hearings can only be requested by phone, in person, or by mail. To file an appeal regarding Medicaid and Purchased Health Coverage through HealthSource RI, call HealthSource RI at 1-855-840-HSRI (4774). For questions about filing an appeal for human services programs such as SNAP, RIW, Child Care, GPA, or SSP call the Department of Human Services at 1-855-MY-RI-DHS (1-855-697-4347).To request a fair hearing in person, please visit your nearest DHS office. To request a fair hearing by mail, please mail your completed Appeal Form to PO Box 8709, Cranston, RI 02920.For more information about the fair hearing process, please visit the Appeals Office page.
Enhanced Outpatient Services Workforce Supporting and building the HCBS workforce is a cornerstone of Rhode Island’s COVID-19 pandemic recovery strategy. The support that direct care workers and licensed health professionals provide to Medicaid enrollees who have physical or behavioral support needs helps to promote individual wellness and self-determination, allowing enrollees the choice to remain in their homes and communities and avoid unnecessary acute care or facility-based care. At the same time, the pandemic has caused workforce shortages that continue to exacerbate challenges in meeting consumer demand for HCBS services. Rhode Island EOHHS will invest in recruitment and retention for enhanced outpatient services through the following mechanism: 1. State directed payment for service codes H0036, paid as a temporary rate enhancement flowing through managed care organizations (MCOs) to EOS Provider Agencies. 2. EOS Provider Agencies will have through September 30, 2023 to expend the funds. Resource Documents Jan. 2023 Addendum to Provider Guidance Re: Spending Deadline Extension PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes EOS Provider Guidance [REVISED 20220826].pdf PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes
Jan. 2023 Addendum to Provider Guidance Re: Spending Deadline Extension PDF file, less than 1mbmegabytes