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The Executive Office of, Health and Human Services , State of Rhode Island

Rhode Island Medicaid Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC)


Your voice and experience matter to Rhode Island Medicaid. Starting in July 2025, Rhode Island Medicaid is creating a new Beneficiary Advisory Council (BAC). 

We want to hear your point of view. We are looking for you, with other BAC members and agency staff, to help us make Medicaid better. 

What is the BAC?

The BAC is a group of 10-15 people who meet to share their Medicaid experiences. They also work directly with Medicaid staff to suggest ways to improve Medicaid. 

To participate in the BAC, you must be:

  • enrolled in Medicaid currently or in the past.
  • a family member of someone enrolled in Medicaid.
  • a paid or unpaid caregiver of someone enrolled in Medicaid.

What BAC Members Can Expect

BAC members can advise Rhode Island Medicaid on issues or concerns they have about the program. You can work with Medicaid staff to discuss a wide range of topics. For example, you can share ideas about how Medicaid can better communicate with members. Or provide input about other ways you feel Medicaid can improve the health of members.    

The BAC meets four times a year in person, virtually, or in mixed formats. You can also call in using a telephone. You are required to attend all meetings unless you have an unavoidable conflict.

As a BAC member you can apply to join the Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC). The MAC meets four times a year, and if you’re selected to join, attendance is required. BAC members who are also part of the MAC will attend a total number of eight (8) meetings a year. Visit the MAC page for more information about the MAC.   

How to Get Involved

If you’re interested in joining the BAC, click here for the online application. If you need a paper copy of the application, contact Damaris Teixeira at or at 401-462-6577.

We value your knowledge and time as a member of the BAC. You’ll get a $75 stipend for each meeting you attend. You can get your stipend as a: 

  • paper check mailed directly to your address.
  • or a check deposited directly to your bank accounts as an electronic funds transfer (EFT).   

Please Note: This stipend may impact your eligibility for Medicaid and other means tested programs. Stipends are considered taxable income, and it is your responsibility to report all compensation when you file your taxes. 

You can review the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) Guidelines and Eligibility Information webpage for details. It will help you find out if this stipend would put your income over the amount used to determine your Medicaid eligibility or other benefits you may receive that are impacted by your income. For example, benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). 

You can also choose to not receive a stipend or to have the amount reduced. 

We care about your needs and can make reasonable accommodations for you to participate fully in the BAC. For example, language interpretation (including American Sign Language (ASL)), material translation, closed captioning, or other necessary help. Let us know about your needs as soon as possible.

Help us spread the word about the BAC! Share our recruitment flyer with your community and let them know they can apply. 

For more information, visit the BAC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Additional resources 

BAC Application (Translations are forthcoming...)

BAC Application Announcement

BAC Charter

BAC By Laws

BAC Member Selection Process (Translations are forthcoming...)

BAC Informational Flyer Pack (Translations are forthcoming...)