RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info.
Rules & Procedures The official code of rules, regulations and procedures for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services and the departments is the RI Secretary of State website. All up-to-date EOHHS rules are filed on the Secretary of State's website in accordance with RI General Laws. You can search for a specific rule or regulation by date, title or by keyword. For your convenience, a list of the recently adopted/amended rules and procedures for several of the major health and human services programs is located below by department/agency. See Also: Proposed and Pending Actions Public Notice All documents are in pdf format Executive Office of Health and Human Services The following six sections of the Medicaid Code of Administrative Rules were filed with the Rhode Island Secretary of State yesterday and will take effect on August 10, 2014: Section 0300: Overview of the Rhode Island Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Programs Section 0301: Payments and Providers Section 0302: Medicaid Application – Integrated Health Care Coverage Groups Section 0308: Cooperation Requirements Section 0310: Retroactive Coverage Section 0342: Medicaid Coverage for Children and Families These rule revisions are related to the Medicaid renewal process that is currently underway. Medicaid beneficiaries who are renewing are subject to the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) standard as part of the renewal process. The rules noted above are amended to reflect the shift in eligibility requirements for this population of Medicaid beneficiaries and the application of the MAGI standard upon eligibility renewal. Department of Children Youth and Families Comprehensive Assessment and Service Planning Medicaid Funded Mental Health Services-Client Eligibility and Provider Guidelines Legal Guardianship and Kinship Guardianship Assistance Obtaining Custody of Child Through the Dependent/Neglected/Abused Petition Mental Health Emergency Service Interventions for Children, Youth, and Families Criteria for a Child Protective Services Investigation Reporting Child Abuse and/or Neglect Emergency Assistance for DCYF Services Department of Health Lead Poisoning Prevention Licensing Assisted Living Facilities Licensing Home Nursing Care Providers and Home Care Providers Licensing Hospice Care Licensing Hospitals Utilization Review of Health Care Services Department of Behavioral Health Care, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals Providing Services to Adults with Developmental Disabilities Core Services and Participant Eligibility and Access to Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Health Care Services for Adults with Developmental Disabilities Determination of Eligibility as a Developmentally Disabled Adult Parent De-institutionalization Subsidy Aid Program Department of Human Services DHS Code of Rules DHS Regulations Office of Healthy Aging Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Elderly Program Prescription Drug Discount Program for the Uninsured Security for Housing for the Elderly Home and Community Care Services for the Elderly RIDE Program