Exterior view of the Johannes Virks Building, home of EOHHS

Executive Office of Health and Human Services

Our mission is to ensure access to high quality and cost effective services that foster the health, safety, and independence of all Rhode Islanders

Learn about EOHHS

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

Rhode Island’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) launched on October 1, 2024.  

A CCBHC is a type of outpatient clinic that is certified by the State of Rhode Island to offer expanded behavioral health services. CCBHCs serve anyone who walks through the door, regardless of age, diagnosis, or insurance status. At a CCBHC, a team of trained health professionals can: 

  • give mental health support to you or a loved one, 
  • help you or a loved one with a substance use condition, and/or 
  • provide 24/7 crisis support.

To learn more about CCBHC services, call 988 or visit bhddh.ri.gov/CCBHC.

Homelessness Prevention Grant Opportunity

$2.25 million in grants available through EOHHS to support homelessness prevention initiatives.

Overdose Task Force Seeking Work Group Community Co-Chair Applicants

The Governor's Overdose Task Force and its work groups serve as the central body focused on a whole of government approach to reverse the overdose crisis in our state. Work groups meet monthly for one to two hours, bringing together members of the public, representatives from community-based organizations, academia, healthcare professionals, and State agencies. Each work group is co-chaired by both a representative from a State agency and a member of the community. 

Interested in applying to be a community co-chair on an Overdose Task Force work group? Click here to learn more. A description of the role and expectations are included on pages 1-3. To apply, please complete pages 4-6 of the above linked document and email your completed application to cathy.a.schultz@ohhs.ri.gov.

Red, Yellow, Teal, and Violet logo for the Department of Children, Youth and Families

Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF)

We promote the safety, permanence and well-being of children and youth through our partnerships...

Learn more about DCYF

Blue and gold logo of the Department of Human Services

Department of Human Services (DHS)

We are an agency of opportunity for individuals and families in need...

Learn more about DHS

Blue and gold logo of the Department of Behavioral Healthcare Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals

Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH)

We assure access to quality services and supports...

Learn more about BHDDH

Black and blue logo for the Rhode Island Department of Health

Department of Health (RIDOH)

Our focus is preventing disease, promoting health and protecting the health and safety of all Rhode Islanders.

Learn more about RIDOH