COVID-19 Emergency Case Management

Effective April 1, 2020, Emergency Case Management services for the homeless population has been approved for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.  Homeless Service Agencies and Homeless Shelters providing these services will need to enroll in RI Medicaid.  

Here is the link for the on-line Provider Enrollment Application.  Here is an Enrollment Guide to assist you with the enrollment process.

RI Medicaid will be reimbursing Emergency Case Management services at $12.13 per unit,  A unit is 15 minutes, maximum units allowed per day are 4.  The procedure code to bill this service is T1017.  Please see Billing Manual.

The guidelines for Emergency Case Management are listed below:

Emergency Case Management for Medicaid beneficiaries who meet at least one risk-based criteria and at least one health-related criteria. Risk-based criteria include: residing in homeless shelters, outside, in places not meant for habitation, or otherwise housing insecure or at imminent risk of homelessness. Health-related criteria include: a mental health or substance use need, a complex physical health need (e.g., a chronic or acute health condition), or recent hospitalization.


Emergency Case Management is a service that supports homeless and housing insecure beneficiaries that are eligible under the state plan in preventing exposure to COVID-19, supporting those that are in quarantine or that have tested positive for COVID-19, and assisting organizations to receive supports for other health-related social needs (e.g., food insecurity, transportation) that may have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Emergency Case Management will be provided to eligible Medicaid beneficiaries by homeless shelters and homeless service agencies, who specialize in assisting this unique and particularly vulnerable population.

If you should need assistance or have questions, please email Karen Murphy or call at (401) 784-8004.