RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info.
Home Stabilization Home Stabilization is a benefit available to Rhode Island Medicaid members who meet program eligibility criteria. The Home Stabilization program provides an array of time-limited services, including home tenancy support, life skill training, and other modeling and teaching services for individuals who require support in maintaining a home, and home find services to individuals who require support in securing, and transitioning to housing. Services are intended to be flexible and support recipients in becoming self-sufficient with their housing needs. Home Stabilization services promote positive health outcomes and housing retention. Home Stabilization does not pay for rent, utilities, or housing construction. Home Stabilization services are provided by Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) certified providers. EOHHS encourages diverse organizations to apply to become providers, including, but not limited to, homeless service agencies, community action agencies, mental health treatment agencies, health clinics, and case management agencies. Certification Standards Application for Certification as a Home Stabilization Provider Home Stabilization Prior Authorization Home Stabilization Provider Reference Material Home Stabilization FAQ Questions about the program or provider certification process may be directed to: ohhs.ocp@ohhs.ri.gov.