Official State of Rhode Island website

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The Executive Office of, Health and Human Services , State of Rhode Island

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

RI Certified Community Behavior Health Clinics

Rhode Island’s Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) launched on October 1, 2024.  A CCBHC is an outpatient clinic that is certified by the State of Rhode Island to offer expanded behavioral health services. CCBHCs serve anyone who walks through the door, regardless of age, diagnosis, or insurance status. At a CCBHC, a team of trained health professionals can: 

· Provide mental health support to you or a loved one,

· Help you or a loved one with substance use condition, and/or

· Provider 24/7 crisis support. 

 The following locations are CCBHCs in Rhode Island:

· Community Care Alliance (Woonsocket)

· Family Service of Rhode Island (Providence)

· Gateway Healthcare (Pawtucket, Johnston, and South County)

· Newport Mental Health (Newport)

· The Providence Center (Providence)

· Thrive Behavioral Health (Warwick)

Promotional materials are available in multiple languages here. Please consider sharing information about CCBHCs and related services with your patients and partners. Thank you. 


RI CCBHC Provider Manual

Certified CCBHC Billing Manual

CCBHC PPS and Shadow Billing Codes