Vision Services
Medical Coverage Guidelines
Please note that coverage guidelines and procedures are subject to change. Refer to the monthly Provider Update for recent changes.
- Vision Coverage Guidelines
- Provider Participation Guidelines
- Recertification
- Reimbursement Guidelines
- Medicare/Medicaid Crossover
- Patient Liability
- Covered/Non Covered Services
- Replacement items
- Contact Lenses
- Trifocals
- Oversized Lenses/Deluxe Frames
- Polycarbonate Lenses
- Tints
- Initial refraction exams
- Special Requirements
- Unlisted Procedures
- Claims Billing Guidelines
- Crossover Eyeglass Claims Requiring EOMB
- Modifiers
- Optometric Procedure Codes (see pages 9-31 in the manual here)
Claim Preparation Instructions
CMS 1500 Form Filing Instructions
Vision Services - CMS 1500 Claim Form
Error Status Codes
Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes
EOB Codes and Messages List (English)
EOB Codes and Messages List (Spanish)
Appendix - Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes
Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes
For specific questions you may contact the Customer Service Help Desk at (401) 784-8100 for In-state and long distance callers, or 1-800-964-6211 for In-state toll callers and border communities.