RIBridges Alert Alert for Health and Human Services customers about a recent data breach. Click here for more info.
Rehabilitative Services Medical Coverage Guidelines Please note that coverage guidelines and procedures are subject to change. Refer the monthly Provider Update for more information. Rehabilitative Services Adult/Children's Mental Health Services Adult Mental Health Children's Mental Health and Education - DCYF Claims Billing Guidelines Crisis Intervention Community Psychiatric Supported Treatment Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) Prior Authorized Services Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program Services Early Start/Therapeutic Remedial Treatment Program Intensive Supervision Day Treatment Program Lead Investigations Program Medicare/Medicaid Crossover Provider Participation Guidelines Provider Recertification Provider Reimbursement Psychiatric Rehabilitation Day Program RIACT-I Team Residential Treatment Program - Adults Residential Treatment Program - Children Sexual Abuse Evaluation and Treatment Program Substance Abuse Treatment Services Clinician's Services Introduction Covered Services Targeted Case Management Rehabilitative Services: Physician Registered Nurse Certified Ph.D. Psychologist MSW Social Worker; Principal Occupational Therapist; Principal Rehabilitation Counselor Marriage And Family Therapist Mental Health Counselor Principal Counselor Counselor Child Mental Health Physician Child Mental Health Psychologist Child Mental Health Social Worker / Child Mental Health Psychiatric Nurse Limitations Patient Liability Provider Participation Targeted Case Management Case Management Defined Adolescent Pregnancy Program Lead Program Services For The Blind and Visually Impaired Program HIV/AIDS Program Claim Preparation Instructions Waiver Form Filing Instructions Rehabilitative Services - Waiver/Rehab Claim Form CMS 1500 Form Filing Instructions Rehabilitative Services - CMS 1500 Claim Form Error Status Codes ESCCode List (English) Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes EOB Codes and Messages List (English) EOB Codes and Messages List (Spanish) Appendix - Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes For specific questions you may contact the Customer Service Help Desk at (401) 784-8100 for In-state and long distance callers, or 1-800-964-6211 for In-state toll callers and border communities.